Monday, March 30, 2009

Beach blonde

Saturday Kelsey Cass and I decided to pack up the car and drive to Malibu. We sprawled out in bikinis on blue, hippy sheets and pink beach towels. Kelsey brought bananas for her "banana diet", I told them about banana peels secret power to draw splinters from your skin. Matt came and sat next to us. We made fun of Scott Kahns tiny hands as he ran out into the water with his surf board, and that time on mushrooms when I almost told him his feet were teeny weeny cause I thought they weren't ACTUALLY that small. We melted coconut oil and I read Dickinson poetry out loud.
On the way home we raced through the canyon, windows down blaring Panty Raid, sipping cola. Cass fell asleep in the back and we got stuck in traffic in the valley.

photos by me